Welcome to Class 1
If you wish to know further information relating to the curriculum in Class 1 please do not hesitate to speak to Miss Naylor, class teacher, via Class Dojo.
Please click Class_1_Newsletter_Spring_2025.pdf
Important days
PE days – Thursdays and Fridays. Children should come to school in their PE kit on those days please.
Class timetable
Long Term Planning
Please find below an outline of the topics covered in your child's class.
If you wish to know further information relating to the curriculum in Class 1 please do not hesitate to speak to Miss Naylor, the class teacher.
Please click on the link below to view the long term plan for Class 1
Class 1 Long Term Plan 24-25.pdf
Class 1 Long Term Plan 2023-24.pdf
Class Saint
Class 1’s Class Saint is St Teresa of Calcutta.
Mother Teresa was a Catholic nun and missionary. She is famous for her charitable works and helping the poor, hungry and sick people of India. She founded the Missionaries of Charity, who ran over 500 missions worldwide. She was canonised as a Saint by the Catholic church in 2016. As we learn about the life of St Teresa, the children are reminded of how Jesus calls us all to show love, kindness and service to others.
Feast Day- Thursday 5th September
Phonics and Early Reading
We follow ReadWriteInc to teach children how to read. The children begin by learning single-letter sounds and progress to learning digraphs by the end of the year. The children are taught how to blend these sounds together to read words; they also learn how to read a selection of non-decodable words and then put all this together as they start to read simple sentences and then ditties and stories. Regular dojo updates and termly meetings provide information about how you can best support your children at home.
Useful links for parents
Baseline assessment
Letter join is a great website to practise letter formation it can be used on computers or tablets. https://www.letterjoin.co.uk/
A great series for your children to enjoy whilst learning all about number! https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/shows/numberblocks
EYFS – Home/School Learning Opportunities to Promote Communication and Language. The PDF below contains suggestions for activities to help with communication and language skills for reception children.
communication_and_language_skills (1).pdf
EAL ( English as an additional language) RESOURCES for parents
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- my-feelings download_for_offline
- my-feelings download_for_offline
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Welcome to our new Reception pupils!
The Nativity
It has been wonderful to watch our younger pupils in their performance of 'The Nativity'. They were amazing and have brought so much joy to those watching.
Library visit
Class 1 had a lovely visit to Barnoldswick library and listened to some special stories.
Stay and Play
Some our families came for Stay & Play in Class 1. It was so lovely to share experiences in class including some exploring outdoors on this lovely frosty morning!
- describing-animals download_for_offline